Working together towards a safe working environment.

As an organisation, you want every notification to go straight to the right responsible to minimise accidents. By appointing responsible Risk Managers, you keep the lines of communication short, you can make better adjustments and limit the number of notifications per responsible party.

Decide in advance who you want to appoint as Risk Manager for each department. One Risk Manager can be responsible for several departments. A Risk Manager is automatically notified by e-mail when a risk or incident is reported for his department. Using the ‘My’ button, a Risk Manager can quickly filter notifications for his department(s)


  • Log in to Riskreporter online
  • Click on the cogwheel next to your initials to open the user management
  • Click on the user you wish to assign as Risk Manager
  • Click on Edit in the top right corner
  • Click on User groups in the left menu
  • Select Risk Manager from the user groups
  • Click save.

Capture organizational structure with departments

  • Go to Riskreporter online
  • Click on Manage in the top right corner
  • Click on locations in the left menu
  • Click on ‘+ Add location’ to add a main location
  • To add a lower location in the tree structure, click on the + sign behind the location under which you want to add a department.

Link Risk Managers to the organizational structure

  • Log in to Riskreporter online
  • Click on Manage in the top right corner
  • Click on locations in the left menu
  • Select the location to which you want to link a Risk Manager
  • On the right, under ‘Location notification holder’, select the Risk Manager(s) to be alerted when a notification is made for this department
  • Click on ‘Save’.

Note: If no Risk Manager is set up for a (sub-)location, no e-mail notification is sent to anyone when a notification is created.

Match the risk categories to your organisation

  • Log in to Riskreporter online
  • Click on manage in the top right corner
  • Click on Categories in the left menu
  • Modify existing categories by simply changing the name (via the world icon you can also adjust the translations in French and English)
  • Add new categories using the ‘Add category’ button
  • The = sign allows you to change the order of the categories
  • The eye icon allows you to hide/show categories
  • The X sign allows you to delete a category.