Discover the safety risks: Find them all?

Welcome to the answer page! Here we reveal all the hidden mistakes in our safety illustrations. Scroll down to see if you found all seven mistakes in both of our posters and learn why each detail is critical to a safe workplace. Safety starts with attention to the smallest details!

So if you see a risk, report the risk.

Answers #one Answers #two

The seven risks #one

  1. Stray Chemical Agents” – Always place chemical agents on a containment tray that meets regulations.
  2. “Falling Hazard” – Place materials stably and orderly on the rack to prevent them from falling.
  3. “Haste Makes Waste” – Drive the forklift more slowly to keep a good watch on your surroundings.
  4. “Order and Tidiness” – Sort waste into the correct waste category and empty the bins regularly to prevent tripping hazards.
  5. “Pride Comes Before a Fall” – Always use the correct collective and personal protective equipment when working at heights.
  6. “Blocked Emergency Exit” – Keep evacuation routes and fire extinguishers clear; do not place obstacles in the way.
  7. “Unexpected Pedestrian” – Follow the designated walkways and stay alert when deviating from them.

The seven risks #two

  1. Order and Tidiness: Sort waste into the correct waste category and empty the bins regularly to prevent tripping hazards.
  2. Order and Tidiness: Keep your workspace tidy. Always clean up spilled chemical agents. Dispose of used syringes and other medical waste immediately in the medical waste container.
  3. Unidentifiable Chemical Agents: Keep chemical agents in their original packaging as much as possible. Transfer to another container only on a stable surface with the proper collective and personal protective equipment. Always label correctly to ensure the chemical agent remains identifiable.
  4. Order and Tidiness: Always keep your workspace tidy to prevent tripping hazards.
  5. Chemical Agents: Always place chemical agents in a containment tray for the safety of people and the environment.
  6. Cocktail of Chemical Agents: Keep chemical agents separated. Avoid inhaling mixed chemical agents. Keep caps on bottles to prevent spills and maintain an orderly workspace.
  7. Chemical Agents: Always place chemical agents in a containment tray for the safety of people and the environment.

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